International Programme

CIT’s International Programme for Career Advancement




The International Office at Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) extends a warm welcome to all visitors of our website!

Why Ireland?

Why Cork?

“Everything good about Ireland can be found in County Cork…” 


Cork, one of Ireland's major cities, is noted as a centre of entrepreneurship, business development and employment generation. Many international investors have established significant locations in Cork, resulting in the creation of specialist clusters in the life sciences, information technology, and agri-food sectors. Cork is the home of a vibrant information technology (IT) industry and is a significant location for EMC, IBM, VMware and Apple amongst others. 

Cork is a picturesque city of hills and waterways, grand Georgian parades and characterful 17th century alleyways leading off streets which twist and turn to fit in with the topography. Restaurants with international reputations serve the best of local produce and a proliferation of traditional pubs boast of the best in live music.

The City is populated with parks, galleries, shops, restaurants, theatres and historical buildings; ensuring students are never short of recreational options.

Cork is a beautiful place to visit at any time of the year and is also the gateway to some of the most scenic areas of Ireland. Students enjoy the stunning coastline, pristine beach and rolling countryside, all within a short bus journey from the city.

Ireland is a gateway to Europe and studying here means the opportunity to travel around Europe.


Click on the links below to find out what's happening in Cork

Why Study at CIT

Why do international students choose to study at CIT?
Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) is recognised and respected as a progressive educational institution of international standing. Established in 1912, it has developed significantly over the years and has been recognised twice as the Sunday Times "Institute of Technology of the Year". All of its programmes meet the requirements of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications and, thus, are fully recognised internationally.

CIT is noted for the strength of its relationships with industry and the applied nature of its courses and research programmes. A key component of CIT's work is servicing industry both through the supply of graduates and through research. It maintains relationships with several universities across the world with whom it exchanges students and staff. As a consequence, approximately 800 international students and researchers are registered on CIT's research and educational programmes.

Furthermore, CIT operates a vibrant innovation centre which acts as a launching pad for high potential start-up businesses that are fundamentally reliant upon research. These start-up businesses provide a constant stream of opportunities for graduates and researchers who wish to engage with new technologies and realise their entrepreneurial ambitions.





CIT offers a safe and welcoming environment to international students in addition to providing excellent educational qualifications.

There are already very strong education links between Ireland and Brazil, and this year over 1,200 Brazilian students have come to study at Irish Higher Education Institutes as part the Brazil Government’s Science Without Borders Scholarship Programme. In 2013 Cork Institute of Technology signed a linkage deal with two leading Brazilian universities.


Links with Industry

Course Details

Students will master the professional skills and management strategies that will rapidly advance their career goals by participating in this two month intensive programme in:

  1. Lean Sigma
  2. Project Management

The aim of this course is to empower our students to start their own Business or develop an entrepreneurial skill set to increase their overall employability when they return to their homeland. Students will also get the opportunity to enhance their language skills and get a taste of the Irish culture. 


Application Procedure

Please click on the link below to download the International Programme Application Form

Contact Information

For further information
Tel +353 (0)21 4326264


CIT does not have its own campus accommodation, though a number of new apartment complexes have recently been built adjacent to the main Bishopstown campus of the Institute, designed specifically for the student market. They offer facilities such as ensuite bedrooms and internet access. Other accommodation types, such as private houses and flats, are also available. Pease visit our Accommodation Office website for detailed information about suitable nearby accommodation



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